From our Archives

From the Therapist: Fail to plan, plan to fail…

Or focus on the journey to reach the destination? It has been a busy start to the year for me – usually the winter months...

Reaching for the Stars: GS Starboy

There’s a new kid on the block and that is the two-year old colt, GS Starboy. Owned by Glenn Stevenson of GS Arabians International...

Endurance Riding – something for all the family!

Photography by West End Photography  Lead Photograph: ELLA POMROY & REDWINDS MILKYWAY At the recent Endurance GB Kings Forest ride that took place near Bury St Edmunds,...

Jacksonville Equestrian Center Sportsmanship Award for Staying

Arabian Horse Competitor Kristi Herbst Wins the Jacksonville Equestrian Center Sportsmanship Award for Staying Strong when Trouble Blows Her Way Raleigh, NC (October 10, 2017)  – The...