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Nijem Ibn Eternity 2002 – 2018: Rest in peace, forever in our hearts

Nijem Ibn Eternity 2002 - 2018: Rest in peace, forever in our hearts

Words by Evi Verstrepen 

Nijem Ibn Eternity (Eternity Ibn Navaronné-D x Narvana) was bred in Belgium by M Smits. 

Nijem was known for his outstanding movement and in 2004, he won the Triple Crown title as a colt with Johanna Ullström. Soon after, he was sold to Al Khalediah Stud in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. As a stallion, Nijem became gold champion several times in the Middle East and Europe, with Philippe Hosay at the end of the lead.



Nijem and Evi


Nijem spent most of his life with Philippe on his farm in Belgium, where I know he had a very respectful life. He has offspring in both showing and performance on an international level, which underlines how correct and versatile he was. Nijem himself was also a very nice riding horse, and I enjoyed many days hacking out with him.


Nijem Ibn Eternity (Eternity Ibn Navarrone-D x Naravna)


Nijem retired at an early age, and when he was 14 year, he moved to me, as his new owner, to enjoy his last years in a field. I loved him unconditionally and he was the horse of my dreams, a dream that came true. He sadly passed away at the age of 16. It was a heart-breaking decision, but he deserved a peaceful and painless end to his life.




Rest in peace, Nijemn. You will always be with me.




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