Don’t miss the opportunity of a lifetime to become a SPILLERS Ambassador


theaYou still have two weeks to enter for the SPILLERS™ Ambassador Programme. This opportunity of a lifetime is giving ten talented UK-based riders the chance to shine with the help of professional mentors such as William Fox-Pitt, Joe Stockdale and Judy Harvey. The deadline for entries is 23 January 2021.

SPILLERS devised the scheme to bring ambitious riders some cheer for the New Year and to help support their aspirations, as the pandemic continues to present so many challenges.

Clare Barfoot RNutr, Marketing and Research and Development Director at SPILLERS said: “We have been totally blown away by the enthusiasm, with more than 200 entries received in just four days and batches of 50 or so still coming in each day. We don’t want anyone to miss out on entering so whether you are a novice rider who is hungry to achieve more or a keen competition rider we want to hear from you.”

SPILLERS has put together a fabulous team of professional riders who can’t wait to get stuck in to help train and encourage the ten winners, in the form of bespoke mentoring programmes.

Joe Stockdale said: “I am thrilled to be part of the Spillers Ambassador Programme. I think it’s a fantastic initiative and I am looking forward to being able to help and support an aspiring showjumper.”

Established competitors, as well as those at grass roots level are invited to apply to become a SPILLERS Ambassador. The ten lucky winners will be matched with a professional mentor within their discipline and within their area. They will receive four coaching sessions from their mentor during the year. In addition, to help their horses perform at their best they will receive two yard visits from a SPILLERS nutritionist, to include access to a weighbridge and £250 of SPILLERS feed vouchers. The winners will also receive a smart collection of SPILLERS-branded riding kit.

Each of the winners will be invited to chart and share their progress across social media channels and will also have the exciting opportunity of becoming a guest blogger on the SPILLERS website.

Applications to become a SPILLERS Ambassador close on 23 January 2021. Visit to explain why you believe you and your horse would be perfect Ambassadors for SPILLERS. All applications will be reviewed and a shortlist of 20 put forward to the semi-finals. The shortlisted applicants will be asked to make a one-minute video explaining why they feel they deserve to win and the public will be invited to vote for their favourite candidate via social media. The ten winners will be announced at the end of February 2021.*

*Terms and conditions apply


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