Ron and Val Males at the 2019 WAHO Conference in Australia. Credit Sharon Meyers

Ralvon Pilgrim
After a harrowing journey home, Ralvon Pilgrim would establish himself as the most important sire in the long and universally respected history of Ralvon Stud. Alongside imported sires The Puritan (Talal x Miss Floco), an Egyptian sired stallion bred in the States; Milex (ex Mimoza by Negatiw), a pure Polish son of Exelsjor (Aquinor x Eleonora), a long-time favourite of Val’s bred in Sweden; and Royal Domino (Blue Domino x Scherzade), a Crabbet-bred powerhouse from the UK, the quartet together went on to create a dynasty of Ralvon-bred champions across all disciplines of equine sport and competition that established Ralvon as one of the most successful and enduringly influential Arabian horse studs in Australasian history. Icons such as Ralvon Nazarene (The Puritan x Trix Silver), Ralvon Elijah (Ralvon Nazarene x Mill Hill Sharmal), Ralvon Herald (Ralvon Pilgrim x Lymric Vashti), Ralvon Silver Jubilee (Ralvon Pilgrim x Trix Silver), Ralvon Morning Star (Manning Kadabbra x Ralvon Star of Bethlehem), Ralvon Identity (Ralvon Pilgrim x Cathay), Ralvon Job (Milex and Ralvon Silver Jubilee), and Royaljan (Royal Domino x Mutrif) still persist as standard setters in show-rings and breeding barns the world over, responsible for winning the hearts and inspiring generations of Arabian horse breeders, professionals and enthusiasts. Always ones to pass on their knowledge, expertise and experience to all those keen to learn, Ron and Val will long be remembered for their generous spirit, kind-hearted hospitality, down-to-earth approachability and practical hands-on horsemanship.

Ron with Ralvon Milarna. Credit Glenys Lilley
Not only are Ron and Val esteemed as international icons among Arabian breeders and professionals the world over, they are revered with even greater acclaim amongst the endurance community as the ‘godparents’, alongside RM and Erica Williams, of the sport in Australia. Foundation members of the inaugural Tom Quilty Endurance Ride Association in 1966, Ron and Val were charged with organising the very first 100 mile ride, which was conducted right in Ralvon’s backyard in the Hawkesbury. Ron competed on the newly acquired Shareym (Shafreyn x Ruheym), who finished fifth, earning Ron his first of 21 Quilty buckles, a record yet to be broken by any rider in the 55-year history of the gruelling event. Ron and Val’s essential connection to endurance eventually opened the doors to sales of Ralvon-bred horses to the Arabian Gulf, and trips to the Emirates and Qatar as guests of His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nayhan, ruler of Abu Dhabi and owner of the Royal Stables.
Ron and Val are quick to credit the Arabian horse for a most extraordinary life well lived. They have travelled the world while accompanying their horses, acting as judges and educators, visiting places such as the Middle East, Europe, North America and South Africa, all the while serving as superlative ambassadors of the breed and of Australia. Ever the innovators, Ron and Val are not only founding members of the Australian Endurance Riders Association, they were also instrumental in establishing both the NSW Arabian Horse Association and the Australian Palomino Horse Breeders Association, and proactively helped launch the Arabian Pony Studbook within the AHSA. They are both rightly honoured with life memberships of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia and currently serve as Joint Patrons of a society they have served and led for more than half a century. Most fittingly, Ron and Val have both been honoured with Medals of the Order of Australia for their years of outstanding service and exceptional achievement to Arabian horse breeding and equine sport.

Ron with Trincada Strike. Credit Sharon Meyers
Both Ron and Val have been lifelong residents of the Hawkesbury, having raised their three children in a region they love and all still call home. For decades, the Ralvon mantra has been Do not go where the road may lead but go ahead and leave a trail. Thank you, Ron and Val, for having the courage, the vision and the tenacity to blaze a trail of leadership and excellence for us all, one in which the future of the Arabian breed is unquestionably better and brighter.”
We remain eternally grateful for the generous friendship, the inspiring leadership and for the trailblazing contributions of both Ron and Val Males to our global Arabian community. Our deepest condolences are shared with the Males Family during this time of profound loss.